It is common for business owners and managers to receive constant requests from their employees for new technologies. However, these requests often revolve around product names and specific IT features, rather than focusing on how the technology can support the business objectives.

In this article, we take a break from technical talk and discuss the business benefits of switching to a cloud-based ERP system for your company.

Before deciding whether you should opt for a cloud-based ERP system or stick with the traditional on-premises approach, let’s define what an ERP is, and why you might need one in the first place.

Enterprise Resource Planning is a type of software companies use to manage their daily business activities. These activities include accounting, procurement, project management, risk management, compliance, and supply chain operations. A complete ERP suite also includes enterprise performance management software that helps plan, budget, predict, and report your company’s financial results.

In the past, most enterprise resource planning implementations were done on-premises. However, with the growing ease of accessing data on the cloud, the number of cloud ERP implementations has increased significantly.

Cloud ERP systems, such as Dynamics 365 Finance or Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management, offer flexibility as they enable you to access your information from anywhere, thereby enhancing productivity and keeping teams connected across the globe. Being able to access data on-the-go, or while on-location with customers, partners, and suppliers, offers a level of convenience that can propel businesses forward.

Dynamics 365 Finance

Increase the speed of operating your business with the complete ERP tools to help you grow at your own pace.

Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management

Accelerate innovation and respond quickly to quality issues with an agile supply chain.

Dynamics 365 Finance

Increase the speed of operating your business with the complete ERP tools to help you grow at your own pace.

Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management

Accelerate innovation and respond quickly to quality issues with an agile supply chain.

The advantage of a cloud ERP

There are many advantages to this including improving operations, driving cost efficiencies, supporting rapid growth, and increasing visibility into your business functions with real-time reporting.

The most common benefits include:

  • Lower initial costs

    When using cloud-based ERP, you don’t need to spend money on expensive hardware or bear the cost of ongoing maintenance and upgrades for hardware and infrastructure. Instead, you pay a monthly or annual fee to access the software, which can be a more cost-effective option for many businesses.

  • Better access to data

    In the past, a company may have had dozens of applications running to do this, and all the information had to be fed into spreadsheets or similar tools, and then poured over to get any meaningful and actionable business insights.
    Cloud-based ERP provides real-time data access from anywhere. Track key performance indicators, and inventory levels, and analyze sales data from a single dashboard.

  • Faster implementation

    Implementing an on-premises ERP system can take several months or even years. However, with cloud-based ERP, you can get started much more quickly. The software comes pre-configured, so you just need to customize it according to your specific requirements. As a result, you can start reaping the benefits of the system much sooner.

An on-premise ERP solution is generally more expensive by about 30% than cloud technology.

ERP for Printing and Packaging

Dynamics 365 cloud-based solution powered by innovative technologies and embedded analytics empowers the next level of connectivity and efficiency.

ERP for Food and Beverage

With a tailored approach, you can unlock automation, increase efficiency, enhance visibility, and maximize performance in your operation, so you can deliver quality food and meet customer demand easily.

How to know if you need a cloud-based ERP

To answer this question, let’s ask the opposite – how to know that you don’t need a cloud-based ERP?
The worst reason to choose to migrate to the cloud is because everybody else is doing it. Your business is unique and so are your business needs.

At the same time, that uniqueness, however, is the best reason to migrate to the cloud. It unlocks new opportunities for system customization and helps leverage sustainability, scalability, and the elasticity of the cloud – with expanding features and services – to provide what you need, when you need it.

And instead of paying for huge CapEx expenses, you can move to an OpEx model and pay for what you use.

The real question is: Can your current system handle your company’s business requirements successfully for the next 3-5 years?

If your company is not engaging in new product launches, mergers, or acquisitions, then it is likely not growing and staying within the status quo.
So, you may not need an ERP.

But if your answer is close to “No, my current system isn’t going to suffice in 3-5 years,” then you have what you need to know – it’s time to look into cloud-based ERP.

ERP for Printing and Packaging

Dynamics 365 cloud-based solution powered by innovative technologies and embedded analytics empowers the next level of connectivity and efficiency.

ERP for Food and Beverage

With a tailored approach, you can unlock automation, increase efficiency, enhance visibility, and maximize performance in your operation, so you can deliver quality food and meet customer demand easily.

Main business drivers to cloud ERP migrations

Let’s look at three of the primary business drivers that send companies to opt for a cloud-based ERP, and how the ERP helps address those needs or pain points.

A Compelling Event

Mergers, acquisitions, and divestitures are events that require consolidation of financials and integration of systems. Doing these tasks on-prem can be expensive and complicated. It can lead to multiple silos, which in turn can create a significant amount of manual work, patching, and time taken away from achieving business goals.

Cloud-based ERP’s strength offers scalability, integration, and visibility, for your business as well as forecasting capabilities in response to compelling events.

Fast or Significant Growth

If your company doesn’t want to become a victim of success because of quick growth without the right systems in place to handle it – a cloud-based ERP that scales with you is a must.

If you plan to introduce new data sets, products or services, or even new divisions into your business functions, you can integrate them easily into one centralized system. This will help connect all the relevant dots across your company, providing business leaders with a complete and holistic view of operations, costs, and spending.

Business Continuity and Agility

If your business were operating during the pandemic – you know how hard to foresee what to expect in the future.

It is crucial to ensure the smooth functioning of your business and to be able to adapt quickly to changes and continue operating under any circumstances. With a cloud-based ERP, all your systems are accessible from any location, at any time, on any device, if the person has the necessary identity and access privileges. This ensures that your business can continue to run smoothly, even in challenging situations.

Moreover, you can be certain that your company’s reports, invoices, and sales sheets are always up to date. They are easily accessible in real time, eliminating the need for searching through inboxes or desktops.

The great force to understand and solve the management challenges

ERP technology can help you integrate your business processes in a better way. Connecting business processes, systems and data gives you the intelligence, acceleration, and adaptability you need to optimize your operations. Microsoft Dynamics 365 is built to adapt to your needs and grow with you, so you can be proactive and respond quickly to any disruption or market change.

How to handle migration to a cloud-based ERP

Many companies migrating to an ERP turns into long-lasting inefficient and overly expensive projects because of one recurring, simple mistake.

At OntargIT, we offer migration and implementation services that enable your team to focus on daily operations. We customize each migration and build to align with your business objectives – improved team productivity, shared best practices, and more efficient operations.

We can help you improve communication with IT team members and bridge the gap in dialogue during your change management initiative. Additionally, we offer managed services post-implementation to provide additional resources and expertise to your team, if needed.

Published On: / Categories: ERP, Migration /

Upgrade your business strength with Dynamics 365

OntargIT is an official Microsoft partner for the implementation of Dynamics 365 technologies. With our experience in various industries, we will provide an individualized approach and effective solutions that will perfectly meet the needs of your company. Leave a request now, and our team of experts will help you take advantage of all the benefits of Dynamics 365.

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Upgrade your business strength with Dynamics 365

OntargIT is an official Microsoft partner for the implementation of Dynamics 365 technologies. With our experience in various industries, we will provide an individualized approach and effective solutions that will perfectly meet the needs of your company. Leave a request now, and our team of experts will help you take advantage of all the benefits of Dynamics 365.

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