If your company wants to put more in customer centricity, the essential way to achieve this is holistic relationship strategy and personalization. It is true regardless of your company size or work field.

However, personalization is not the case where the rule ‘the more is better’ apply.

Implementing a holistic relationship strategy allows you to personalize interactions in an authentic way that strengthens loyalty with positive client interaction.

In this article we are going to overview three steps you should take to create and implement a customer-centric strategy.

See the customer in every part of the business

Your customer believes you should know everything about them – who they are and what they buy from you.

To keep track of client information you need to unify all customer data for a complete picture. The easiest way to keep basic information is to use the customer relationship management (CRM) platform.

But for personalization it is not enough. Different departments can generate unique information about clients.

And if you want to create a seamless customer experience and implement holistic relationship strategy, you need to share that data among your company.

And there are two ways to perform that:

  • First – you can try to implement third-party applications into your CRM. But not all of them are designed with such features and sometimes the only way to share data is to do it manually. It`s okay if you have a few clients, but when that amount increases, you will face inconveniences.

  • Another solution is customer data platform (CDP), basically it`s a software that creates a persistent, consistent customer database that is accessible to other systems, from sales records to social media engagement – you cover everything.

With this you will find new ways to engage with your clients and make them feel seen and understood.

Be proactive across customer touchpoints

It`s time to adjust your content based on customers` current context for a real-time personalized experience.

Using the history of previous interaction with customer and machine learning models, you can get insights how to change your actions to deliver the best service for every customer.

Prebuilt AI helps identify the highest value customers and which products to recommend to them. A CDP helps build cross-department cohesion in every engagement a customer has with the organization. With single holistic customer profile, a sales associate could seamlessly take over a case to assist a customer with a product.

A cohesive customer experience not only improves customer satisfaction and drives retention but can result in significant top-line gains.

Turn customer feedback into insights

Most clients want to be heard – social media changed the way companies communicate with customers, now you can receive quick feedback on everything you do.

Nothing better than feedback helps you to understand what you should do next.

With organized feedback process you can not just show your clients that you care, but get a first-hand information on what you need to improve, add or change in your business-processes.

There are many systems that help to make clients feel unique and valuable, such as Microsoft Dynamics 365 with its` customer engagement platforms including Dynamics 365 Marketing, Dynamics 365 Sales, and Dynamics 365 Customer Insights with add-ons for almost every business department of your company.

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Upgrade your business strength with Dynamics 365

OntargIT is an official Microsoft partner for the implementation of Dynamics 365 technologies. With our experience in various industries, we will provide an individualized approach and effective solutions that will perfectly meet the needs of your company. Leave a request now, and our team of experts will help you take advantage of all the benefits of Dynamics 365.