Implementation Microsoft Dynamics AX at Fortuna Cigar House
Implementation Microsoft Dynamics AX at Fortuna Cigar House

“Fortuna Cigar House” – company was founded in 1999 and it was the first official operator in domestic in Other Tobacco Products (OTP) market. Foundation of the company and it’s activity became a catalyst of OTP market formation and it’s development. ”Fortuna” Cigar House is a dynamically developing company. At the moment staff of FCH consists of more than 1200 employees.
”Fortuna” Cigar House is a sale leader of Other Tobacco Products (OTP )in Ukraine. Company’s trade network operates 11 boutiques “Fortuna de Luxe”, 18 stores “Tabak i podarki”, 130 mini-stores “Tabakerka”, cafe-boutique “Kalyannaya 1” and 14 distributor branches of tobacco products with delivery in more than 10,000 point-of-sales.