Leading brands are shifting the focus of the traditional сustomer іervice

Focusing only on the speed, efficiency and cost of reactive сustomer service is not just a road to the bottom, but also puts revenue at risk. It’s time to seize larger, more strategic opportunities in service of growth.

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But many companies are already embracing an end-to-endless customer service mindset and this approach is paying off. These companies have shifted their model and transformed service from a cost center to a value driver.

Transformation starts with a mindset shift around customer service. From treating it as a problem solving function and a cost center to viewing it as value creation function.

Putting the customer at the center to fuel growth

Service transformation must extend beyond technology investments. Also, process redesign to also focus on re-imagining the service and experience that is delivered to customers.

Customer Service

Сustomers highly value proactive service experiences and communications.

Truly proactive support demands a deep understanding of customer needs with predictive capabilities powered by data that identifies when you’re at risk of not meeting customers’ expectations. When you take responsibility for proactively understanding and meeting customers’ needs, they know they can trust.

Customer Service

Beyond your own data, consider external events that could trigger a need for proactive communications or issue prevention. With their vast physical infrastructures, communications and utility companies need to track environmental and weather concerns. This monitoring is key not only to protecting assets but also to proactively communicating with customers about potential disruptions and offering tips for preparing or recovering from a weather event.

Only 13% of service organizations operate heavily in the cloud (>60% of workloads). The companies they support are realizing higher revenue growth compared to those that have not started or just started migrating to the cloud.

With Microsoft Dynamics 365 you can use apps that work together seamlessly in the Cloud.

Let service generate value

By focusing on aiding customers to achieve their desired outcomes, customer success managers highly influence the customer relationship and value realized. When it comes time to repurchase or renew, the decision is an easy one for customers.

Companies, which see the value in service, and service helps their customers see the value in what the company provides. Those products and services then become indispensable—driving loyalty, satisfaction and referrals.

For B2C customers, helping to get the maximum value out of their purchases emerged as the second-most substantial value driver. Indeed, when a company does this well, a customer is more than twice as likely to stay with that company, purchase more and recommend.

When comparing generations, younger generations of B2C customers believe virtual agents are more capable of explaining and providing relevant recommendations than older generations.

Let service shape your product

Activating service insights grows the possibility to create value beyond traditional functional boundaries. Customers who offer feedback want to feel heard and acknowledged. They notice who pays attention. In fact, B2C customers are twice as likely and B2B customers are 37% more likely to spend more with companies they perceive as actively listening to their feedback on improving the product.

Offer world-class customer service that leads to loyalty. Dynamics 365 for Customer Service unifies the way people experience your business across self-service, peer-to-peer service, and assisted service with Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Service.

To drive higher revenue growth, view service as a value creator— and use it to generate better products and experiences. Nurture an organizational culture that values not only what you sell but also the service you wrap around it.

Using Microsoft Dynamics 365 as a solution to support your customer service transformation will help you to ensure positive long-term changes.

Published On: / Categories: CRM, Customer service /

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Upgrade your business strength with Dynamics 365

OntargIT is an official Microsoft partner for the implementation of Dynamics 365 technologies. With our experience in various industries, we will provide an individualized approach and effective solutions that will perfectly meet the needs of your company. Leave a request now, and our team of experts will help you take advantage of all the benefits of Dynamics 365.

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