Today, customer engagement has been significantly transformed by the boom in social media and mobile technology usage, prompting more regular and personalized communication. This shift requires robust CRM for automotive industries and strategies to facilitate this evolution.

Traditional CRM, previously centered around operational efficiency and data accumulation through conventional channels, is now undergoing a paradigm shift. Modern CRM solutions aim to boost revenue by providing efficient customer support and service throughout their journey from procurement to advocacy.

In this pursuit, automotive companies are adopting innovative next-generation CRM solutions that provide omnichannel engagement.

One such solution is Dynamics 365 CRM, further enhanced by OntargIT’s custom modifications.

It is a powerful platform that supports businesses, particularly multi-brand distributors and dealers of cars and other equipment.

Proper CRM for automotive industry focuses on the key automotive business pain points.

Before looking at possible solutions, it’s important to develop a strategy that covers your company’s customer interactions throughout the lifecycle. In the past, different programs were used for different CRM functions.

But today, a more integrated approach is needed to ensure a seamless customer experience across all aspects of marketing, sales, and customer service. This is what Microsoft Dynamics 365 and OntargIT can provide.

Unsure how to fully leverage Dynamics 365? Let’s connect!

The world of business has been changed by new technologies such as mobile devices, big data, social media, and analytics. These technologies have revolutionized the way businesses interact with their customers.

Specialized solutions offers comprehensive support for various business processes, including sales of cars and spare parts, after-sales services, logistics, finance, and more.

To achieve your vision, it’s important to create a roadmap that outlines the necessary steps.

Start by developing a clear strategy and understanding the potential of technology. Then, focus on identifying the business practices that need modifications across the entire customer journey. Make sure to integrate all logistical and financial operations tightly.

The ROI of a CRM software system, when properly implemented, can exceed 245%

To get a complete understanding of customers, it’s important to have a comprehensive view.

However, first-generation systems often faced problems with data silos and integration. To overcome these challenges, a strong data management platform like Dynamics 365, with the help of OntargIT’s solution, can provide effective master data management and governance practices.

Historically, CRM solutions have been designed with a focus on specific functions, resulting in fragmented processes. However, with the implementation of contemporary cloud-based solutions like Microsoft Dynamics 365 and OntargIT modifications, businesses can enjoy faster delivery of new functionalities, streamlined administration, and reduced costs.

Our OntargIT IDMS solution is specifically designed to fully automate all business processes, allowing for smooth adoption and development without any limitations. Our goal is to help you effectively lead change within your organization.

To ensure a successful CRM implementation, it’s crucial to manage benefits realization vigilantly. This involves using a strong benefits management framework, which establishes the expected outcomes at each stage of the project, providing a solid foundation for a strong customer relationship.

Digital era CRM is distinctive

Instead of focusing on operational efficiency as with traditional implementations, modern CRM, like Microsoft Dynamics 365 integrated with OntargIT modifications, delivers superior customer experiences across the entire customer lifecycle.

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Upgrade your business strength with Dynamics 365

OntargIT is an official Microsoft partner for the implementation of Dynamics 365 technologies. With our experience in various industries, we will provide an individualized approach and effective solutions that will perfectly meet the needs of your company. Leave a request now, and our team of experts will help you take advantage of all the benefits of Dynamics 365.

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Upgrade your business strength with Dynamics 365

OntargIT is an official Microsoft partner for the implementation of Dynamics 365 technologies. With our experience in various industries, we will provide an individualized approach and effective solutions that will perfectly meet the needs of your company. Leave a request now, and our team of experts will help you take advantage of all the benefits of Dynamics 365.

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