Cost analisys

Analyze production costs in specialized Microsoft Power BI cost analisys report for manufacturing companies

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Cost analysis report

Utilizing the Microsoft Dynamics 365 platform, Cost analysis report empowers manufacturing enterprises to compute, visualize, and analyze the anticipated and actual framework of production costs with intricated details encompassing materials, man-hours, machine-hours, and overhead expenses.

Cost analysis multiple processes

  • Planned cost structure

  • Actual cost structure

  • Deviations in the consumption of materials by quantity and price

  • Deviation in the use of human and machine resources, both in quantity and in rates

  • Overhead variances

Cost analysis

Unlock Power BI advantages

Get self-service analytics at enterprise scale

Cut down on the extra expenses, intricacies, and security vulnerabilities associated with using multiple solutions by implementing an analytics platform that can expand seamlessly from individual usage to support the entire organization.

Use smart tools for strong results

Uncover valuable and actionable insights by leveraging a diverse set of data visualizations, harnessing the power of built-in artificial intelligence, seamlessly integrating with Excel, and utilizing both prebuilt and custom data connectors for a comprehensive and tailored analytics experience.

Help protect your analytics data

Gain access to cutting-edge sensitivity classification and data loss prevention capabilities that provide the highest level of security for your data. These features ensure that your data remains secure and compliant, even when it is being exported outside of your organization.

Analysis includes analytics

  • Resource identifier (material, human or machine resource code) and/or resource group

  • Department / Work Center

  • Production order number

  • Sales order and/or project number (if production is for a specific sales order)

  • Product ID, Product Group / Spec ID, at all nesting levels, and/or its configuration

Cost analysis

What’s new in Power Platform & Cost analysis

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