Are you a company owner or logistics manager and have own production or vendor located far from you? And it’s time to planned to supply a container with goods to the warehouse. Is it possible to predict and track the dates of it’s movement to the warehouse, calculate charges?
When the container is shipped from the vendor, the ship is sailing, unloads and clears the customs. From the port, it is carried by local transport to the end point. How would you track this movement? What about charges at every step? If there are hundreds of such shipments and containers?
For many companies, the transfer of ownership at the time of sale is very important. This means paying for the goods and waiting for delivery to the warehouse. This delivery can take several months. Based on the experience of working with one of the clients of our company, it is clear that delivery can take up to 2 months.
And again, in real life, there are moments when the goods are registered in the warehouse and a shortage or overdelivery of products is detected. What should be done about this incident? Accept the shortage and pay the full cost of this delivery and write off the goods from the warehouse or claim a refund for this vendor oversight.
With the Landed Cost module in Dynamics 365 F&O this is easy and simple!
Landed Cost module is applicable only for the work with inbound orders, most importantly, it can be used to track both the financial component and logistics. In video below, we will go through such processes together:

Landed Cost module solves all problems that businesses face with wholesales orders, when it is necessary to control the supply chain. Great solution from Microsoft for real control of voyage and the ability to work in one convenient system and forget about a lot of excel tables for tracking cargo and calculation of the cost of goods. More information can be found at Microsoft Docs. Feel free to contact us, as we are always happy to help your business and introduce the most modern and progressive technologies.