Digital solutions help increase efficiency and streamline processes in your company. 

Microsoft offers a suite of modern solutions to help empower your workforce and take your business to the next level.

Streamline Operations with Dynamics 365

Dynamics 365 helps streamline operations, automate processes, and provide valuable insights into your company’s performance. 

Dynamics 365 allows you to manage your finances, sales, customer service, and operations in one platform with up-to-date business performance data.

Improve Communication with Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams can help improve collaboration and communication in your company. You can chat, call, and video conference with colleagues, share files, and collaborate on projects from one platform. Teams integration with Dynamics 365, Power BI, and SharePoint makes it easy to access all your business tools in one place.

Visualize Data with Power BI

 Power BI can help you turn your data into actionable insights and make informed business decisions. 

Create interactive reports and dashboards that help visualize your data to identify trends and patterns. With Power BI, you can also share your reports and collaborate with others to make better decisions together.

Redefine Knowledge Management

The skills gap has widened, and it’s becoming harder to fill roles due to retirement and Industry 4.0 technologies adoption, such as AI, IoT, and robotics.

It’s essential to invest in learning and knowledge management to bridge the skills gap. With tools like Microsoft Viva, Microsoft Teams, and Dynamics 365 Guides, companies can find new approaches to teaching employees.

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Guides on Microsoft HoloLens 2 have been ranked as the preferred way to learn by trainers and trainees, showing the potential of using technology to transform how we learn and develop new skills.

Microsoft HoloLens 2 reduced training times by 75%, at an average saving of $30 per labor hour

Stay Secure with Microsoft 365

Security is one of the main concerns for businesses, and Microsoft 365 can help keep your company secure. Advanced security features, including multi-factor authentication, threat protection, and data loss prevention – protect your business from cyber threats and ensure your data is safe and secure.

Microsoft solutions help empower your workforce. With Dynamics 365, Microsoft Teams, and Power BI, you will stay competitive and thrive in today’s fast-paced business world.

Register for a free consultation with OntargIT and transform your business with Microsoft solutions today.

Published On: / Categories: CRM, ERP, HR /

Upgrade your business strength with Dynamics 365

OntargIT is an official Microsoft partner for the implementation of Dynamics 365 technologies. With our experience in various industries, we will provide an individualized approach and effective solutions that will perfectly meet the needs of your company. Leave a request now, and our team of experts will help you take advantage of all the benefits of Dynamics 365.

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Upgrade your business strength with Dynamics 365

OntargIT is an official Microsoft partner for the implementation of Dynamics 365 technologies. With our experience in various industries, we will provide an individualized approach and effective solutions that will perfectly meet the needs of your company. Leave a request now, and our team of experts will help you take advantage of all the benefits of Dynamics 365.

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