Technology is changing the ticketing market

Tiсkethunt has been operating in the ticket search and sale market since 2015. This is the first ticket platform in Ukraine, with the help of which you can buy tickets not only from the organizers of concerts, but also from individuals – sellers of “extra tickets” for any event. Director of tickethunt – Oleg Pilipenko shared his thoughts on the ticket business with OntargIT, told about the difficulties faced by the company, the only one in Ukraine offering the online ticket service Fun to Fun, how they differ from other ticket operators, and how to use the cloud service Azure from Microsoft helps build your business around the customer and their needs.
Why did you choose Azure, are you satisfied with using cloud services?
When we first started working, Microsoft had a program to support startups. We registered and used the cloud for free for two years. After the test period, we were offered a migration to a paid program, which we did. And we are now an Azure cloud client.
In working with a cloud service, I like the fact that you can quickly change the configuration and significantly “amplify”. Since our business is event-oriented, this option is very important for us. We cannot stand idle for a minute, our entire business is aimed at the client, therefore, our system must be available for him at any time. Therefore, when the load increases several times, we simply switch to a faster configuration and this is immediately noticeable. In my opinion, for our business, as for any online business, this is the most important thing that the use of the cloud gives.
Of course, Azure technologies require certain skills and knowledge from administrators, and there are not many of them on the market. Therefore, in case of any problem, we turn to Microsoft’s partner – OntargIT, which helps us to solve it quickly and efficiently.