drives digital business transformation with Microsoft Cloud capabilities is the most popular job search site among Ukrainians. The company checks and publishes only current vacancies 24/7.
Getting started with Microsoft Cloud services operates a huge array of advertising content that takes up a lot of space for physical storage on local servers. To administer databases in Microsoft SQL, a significant staff of administrators and labor costs were required to maintain an uninterrupted process. needed to expand storage capabilities and simplify the administration of this content. Among the various solutions, the company chose Azure. After the migration, all information from on-premises servers was moved to the Cloud. Azure provides real-time big data processing and a significant speed advantage. Now that the company has freed up resources and got a scalable parallel data processing tool, workflows are much more efficient and faster. Without being tied to physical servers, employees can place all data in a secure, highly scalable storage, as well as use it 24/7. user migration to the Cloud using Office 365 and Microsoft Exchange Online
Continuing the digital transformation and movement to the Cloud, began to use other tools, like Power BI, to analyze its reporting. In an effort to universalize, the company chose Microsoft as the main platform for work. As a result, it received a single platform for exchanging and storing data based on Microsoft Exchange and Office 365 to provide employees with access to work documents and mail regardless of location and device. Now, with the help of Microsoft Teams, all information and communications within the company occur in a single space and thus secured the storage and exchange of data, video and audio conferences. Thanks to the Microsoft cloud service, the company reduced the cost of purchasing, maintaining, and administering server equipment.
Using cloud services and obtaining benefits
The partner conducted a series of training sessions for end users on how to effectively use Microsoft Teams with other Office 365 applications.
Now is considering for itself several new promising projects using other Microsoft products and does not stop there, continuing the business digital transformation.