Azelis Ukraine has completed implementation of a global corporate solution developed on database Dynamics AX2012 R3.


Azelis Ukraine, the Ukrainian representative office of the world’s leading manufacturer and distributor of special chemicals and food ingredients, Azelis, has successfully completed the implementation of the corporate solution Microsoft Dynamics AX2012 R3. OntargIT, Microsoft Solutions Partner in Business Applications, has adapted the system to corporate business standards and has localized this solution in accordance with the requirements of accounting and tax accounting in Ukraine.

Azelis Ukraine has been working in Ukraine since 2007. For a long time, to automate the main business processes and maintain local accounting, the company used 1C, version 7.7. At the beginning of 2018, the Azelis management decided to implement a corporate ERP system in the Ukrainian office, developed based on Dynamics AX2012 R3. Particular attention in the implementation requirements was paid to the need for localization i.e. the system must fully comply with the standards of Ukrainian legislation, including maintaining accounting and tax accounting in the system.

azelis dynamics ax 2012

The project team consisted of the international implementation team from Azelis, led by Pam Reay – Business Process and Project Manager Azelis, the Azelis Ukraine team led by the office director – Elena Klimenko, and the OntargIT team – by the project manager – Igor Savenko. It is thanks to the well-coordinated work and maximum interest because of all project participants that the implementation and localization of the system was completed in 9 months and was successfully launched on May 1, 2019.

The introduction of a corporate solution enables Azelis Ukraine to function as a single whole corporation, unify the technology of doing business, ensure uniform quality standards in financial and supply chain management, information technology and personnel, as well as in the future, will help to get maximum efficiency from investments in further development systems.


The completed localization project covers the following Azelis Ukraine processes specific to Ukraine:

  • accounting of funds: a complete package of primary documents and reports, accounting of transactions in foreign currency;

  • accounting of settlements with suppliers and customers;

  • inventory accounting: a full package of primary documents and reports, accounting of goods and materials on various accounts, depending on the warehouse, inventory, re-grading;

  • fixed assets: accounting and tax accounting of fixed assets and intangible assets, a full package of primary documents and reports;

  • VAT: VAT accounting for the first event, tax bill, tax invoice, sales ledger, acquisition ledger, VAT declaration.


During the project, the integration of the implemented corporate solution with:

  • “M.E. Doc” – reporting system to the regulatory authorities of Ukraine

  • ReadSoft – a system that is used to scan and process documents (in particular, invoices).

According to Pam Reay – Business Process and Project Manager Azelis: “For my part, I want to especially note the OntargIT team, which really responsibly and competently approached the project, helped the local Ukrainian team to understand the implementation process, and maximally softened the transition from 1C to AX 2012 “.A pricing scheme for products was implemented between the Polish and Ukrainian companies, taking into account the efficiency of using consigned materials.

Director of Azelis Ukraine – Elena Klimenko noted that: “the project was difficult for a number of reasons, but from our side we actively got involved in the work and provided all kinds of support to the OntargIT team. Today, all our accounting is done in corporate Dynamics AX2012. The system fully complies with the requirements of Ukrainian accounting and tax legislation and covers all business processes of the Ukrainian office of the company. “

“The successful implementation of this project largely depended on the active involvement of the international project team on the part of Azelis, and all kinds of support from the Azelis Ukraine leadership. The Customer’s refusal to further use 1C once again confirms the fact that Microsoft Dynamics AX2012, with competently performed localization, can be successfully used for accounting and tax accounting, in accordance with the standards of Ukrainian legislation,” says Volodymyr Sviridenko, Director of OntargIT.

Today, OntargIT provides Azelis Ukraine with technical support services for the implemented solution.

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