OntargIT, Microsoft GOLD ERP Competency, partner of the year 2014 in Ukraine, announces completion of CRM implementation project at AUTO International, which allows effectively manage dealership and serve end customers.

AUTO International is official distributor of Mazda and Suzuki in Ukraine, the company with 100% Japanese investment. The company is official player of automotive market in Ukraine since 1994 as official distributor of Mazda. Since 2000, company became the official importer and distributor of Suzuki. AUTO International also presents Suzuki motorcycles in Ukraine.

CRM project for AUTO International was implemented based on Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 and OntargIT Solution for automotive distribution, which allowed optimizing the processes of customer relationship management, which was the main goal of the project.

Julia Sivak, MAZDA Department Director, AUTO International: «CRM-solution based on Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3 — fast-tool to improve performance of our company and provide easy access to information through friendly user interface. The system allowed us to unify work with end customers’ requests. Today, working with any of our dealers, customer will get the same high level of service according to the highest demands of the importer. Most important for us — our satisfied customers and dealers. Professionalism of OntargIT and rich functional capabilities of Microsoft Dynamics AX also solved such issues as formation and automation of history of impersonal requests, activities history, history of potential sales as well as number of other business processes, that provide our company significant advantage over the competition.»

As result of implementation of dealer management system AUTO International has got better reporting system. Daily reports allows to analyze information by type of customer requests by brands, models, dealers, dates etc. Reporting system allows to analyze history of potential and closed deals (including complete information on customer and vehicle), information on vehicles sold to dealers, but not to end customer yet, analyze complete customer base and build other reports.

Olga Leusenko, CFO, AUTO International: «Taking into account the long-term market opportunities, AUTO International made decision to empower business with integrated Solution for the automotive distribution from OntargIT based on the latest ERP  system Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3. Company nowadays uses earlier version of Axapta 3.0. The upgrade to the new system — a strategic move on the way to increase the efficiency of processes in the company.»

The project has been tasked to optimize and automate following business processes:

  • Corporate and tax accounting;
  • Financial Management;
  • Distribution of vehicles and spare parts;
  • Retail sales of vehicles and spare parts;
  • Warranty vehicles / spare parts and additional services;
  • Vehicle service station.

Olga Leusenko, CFO, AUTO International: «The functional capabilities of Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3 provide additional benefits for the business management in the highly competitive market environment, which is a key advantage of the platform in the tough economic times. We are confident that OntargIT team will implement the solution as quickly as possible, so we plan to work with them in the future.»

“We are pleased to add another of the top automotive players to our growing list of companies that rely on OntargIT’ s strong expertise and unique Dynamics AX based solution for Automotive Distribution.”  said Volodymyr Svyrydenko, CEO, OntargIT.

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OntargIT является официальным партнером Microsoft по внедрению технологий Dynamics 365. С нашим опытом в различных отраслях, мы обеспечим индивидуальный подход и эффективные решения, которые будут идеально соответствовать потребностям вашей компании. Оставьте заявку сейчас, и наша команда экспертов поможет вам воспользоваться всеми преимуществами Dynamics 365.

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